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Flexibly Templates
[dropcap2]1[/dropcap2]The theme uses a flexible template system that enables you to create stunning pages out of the box with no coding knowledge at all
Unlimited Skins
[dropcap3]2[/dropcap3]The theme comes with several predefined skin options but also utilizes a color and background image switcher, a font-switch for headings and several other layout options.
Content Importing
[dropcap3]3[/dropcap3]You can now setup a wordpress installation that looks like this demo with just a single click of your mouse. Amazing to get started and accustomed to the theme.
[dropcap3]4[/dropcap3]To get your content displayed properly the theme uses wordpress shortcodes. Visual previews help you while creating those shortcodes so you don’t need to memorize the codes 🙂
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[iconbox title=”Shortcodes” icon=”edit-paste.png”]Select one of the icons. You can add icons to this list by simply uploading new ones to your themes image folder .[/iconbox]
[iconbox title=”Smart Ideas” icon=”dialog-information.png”]Folder (images/icons/iconbox). They will be displayed here automatically
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[iconbox title=”Copy Paste Work” icon=”edit-copy.png”]Select one of the icons. You can add icons to this list by simply uploading new ones to your themes image folder .[/iconbox]
[iconbox title=”Reviews” icon=”edit-find.png”]Folder (images/icons/iconbox). They will be displayed here automatically